董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理
航空专业学生凯瑟琳·佩纳(Kathryn Pena)坐在飞机后面的楼梯上



Pima student Kathryn Pena has been working as an EMT 和 paramedic in the Tucson community for years. 尽管佩纳热爱帮助图森纳人的事业, 长时间的工作很困难, 尤其是在她女儿出生之后.

“When working as a paramedic, I would work 24-hour long shifts, averaging 72-96 hours a week. 我热爱我的事业, 但一旦我有了女儿, 我发现工作安排并不适合我的家庭,佩纳分享道。. 

她继续说道, “I really wanted to work fewer hours but also have the opportunity to make a better living for my family.”

当你准备换工作时,很难知道从哪里开始. 也许你刚刚完成了一个 你想探索大学星际官方赌钱. 也许你已经在同一份工作上干了好几年了,准备换一份新的工作. 或者你想在你喜欢的职业中获得晋升和更高的工资.

No matter your situation, taking the first step toward a new career can feel overwhelming.Having guidance 和 support can make all the difference in helping you l和 your dream job.

社区学院 证书项目 提供负担得起的, flexible training in specific industries that can help you build the skills you need to make a professional change. 

Whether you recently earned your high school diploma or 格 or you have been working in your field for years, a certificate provides you with training 和 mentorship so that you can enhance the skills you already have, 探索 职业选择 并成功地在一个新的行业找到一份工作.

请继续阅读以了解更多关于证书的信息, why it may be the right option for you 和 what certificate options are available at Pima. 

什么是证书?? 解释.

全县的社区大学都提供 证书项目. 证书 are short-term training programs that help prepare high school graduates 和 workers for professional careers.

如果你想开始一份新的职业, a certificate introduces you to the industry 和 gives you the essential skills you need to break into the field.


如果你想继续你的职业生涯,学习能提高你表现的技能, 证书星际官方赌钱帮助你建立在你已经拥有的知识基础上.

If you are a recent high school graduate 和 not sure if you’re ready to commit to a two-year or four-year degree program, a certificate is a helpful stepping stone to learn new skills while you 探索 career 和 education options. 

社区大学提供各种行业的证书星际官方赌钱,从 飞机力学 to 烹饪艺术 to 焊接. They typically take 6 months to a year to complete, depending on how many classes you take at a time. 证书 are designed for direct employment into a job or to be applied towards a future associate’s degree.

证书星际官方赌钱是实践性的. 例如,获得证书成为一名 IT支持专家, you will take classes that help you underst和 computer hardware or how to program - concrete skills you can put on your resume or show to an employer.

The goal of a certificate program is to put your learning into action 和 gain real-world skills that you will use on the job. 

许多大学提供学分证书和非学分证书. In a credit certificate, you take classes for college credit that you can apply toward graduation. 在非信用证书中, you earn training hours in your field that you can count towards your professional development. 

至关重要的是,证书星际官方赌钱通常与 当地雇主 而且是为雇主设计的. The right certificate program will successfully prepare you to find meaningful employment at a company in your community. 


证书星际官方赌钱有几个好处. 证书通常比传统的副学士学位星际官方赌钱要短. They can range from 6 months to a year long, depending on how many classes you take at a time. 

35% 更高的平均每周收入*

证书还有经济上的好处. 根据… U.S. 劳工统计局的研究, the average weekly earnings for full-time workers with an active professional certificate or license were 35 percent higher than those without those credentials.

对许多社区大学的学生来说, 证书星际官方赌钱最吸引人的地方是它的灵活性. 有些证书星际官方赌钱是完全提供的 在线, while others offer classes at night so that you can continue to work while you take classes. 

证书 are also more affordable than a two-year or four-year degree as they are typically less than 60 credits. 如果你正在探索你未来想做什么, 完成证书是一个不那么令人生畏的财务和时间承诺.

证书也是可构建的, meaning you can continue to take classes to improve a specific skill or put the credit hours you’ve earned toward a future associate’s degree.

最后,证书星际官方赌钱是以职业为导向的. 在证书星际官方赌钱中,你将在课堂上完成你未来工作的相关工作. 你不必等待开始积累专业技能和经验. 


皮马社区学院结束了 60个证书星际官方赌钱 在一些行业,包括 航空技术, 制药技术卡车司机. Whether you are excited to join a growing industry or want to enhance the skills you use everyday in your current job, Pima’s credit 证书项目 give you the opportunity to learn from professional experts in the field in an affordable 和 flexible way. 

"I trust that the education I receive through Pima for this program will again allow me to reach my goals." ~凯瑟琳·佩纳

如果你已经有学士学位,皮马大学可以提供 研究生学历证书 that can help you develop specific professional skills that build on your previous college degree.

皮马也提供 钟时证书 which are certificates where you earn hours getting professional development in a specific field for direct employment into a job. 该计划是针对非学分的钟点,而不是大学学分.

最终, 最好的证书星际官方赌钱是为你准备技能的星际官方赌钱, 知识和经验让你找到适合自己的工作. 

Pima student Kathryn Pena has completed several certificates at Pima 和 has put her education into practice as an EMT, 护理人员和未来的结构修理工. She shared, “I worked as a career paramedic for 4 years 和 as an EMT for years prior to that. I accomplished both certifications after successfully completing programs through 皮马社区学院.”


When Pena was ready to make a career change to something with a better work-life balance, 她决定找一些可以帮助她学习新手艺和开始新职业的星际官方赌钱.

她最终研究了皮马大学的航空机械师项目. “我一直热爱航空,甚至在22岁时获得了飞行员执照. 我认为成为一名航空机械师会非常适合我。. 

佩纳即将从 航空机械师星际官方赌钱 2022年1月. 在她完成星际官方赌钱之后, she will be able to test for her airframe 和 powerplant certification 和 start working in the field.

随着她的项目即将结束, Pena is excited to have been part of a program that has a great reputation with employers in the Tucson community.

Pena has plans to keep growing in her field 和 knows Pima will be there to support her continuing education. 佩纳解释, “我最终想成为一名结构维修技工, so I will return to Pima later to complete that class so I can test for that certification.”

她继续说道, “I love 皮马社区学院 because I have received an excellent education that has taken me many places as an EMT 和 paramedic. I trust that the education I receive through Pima for this program will again allow me to reach my goals.”


Whether you’re ready to start a new career or improve the skills you already have, you can 今天开始你在皮马的学习.

不知道从哪里开始? 探索类 or 和顾问谈谈 了解更多关于报名参加皮马星际官方赌钱的信息.

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